The School Run: How To Get Your Kids Out Of The House On Time

The School Run: How To Get Your Kids Out Of The House On Time

Wednesday 9th August 2017

The summer holidays are almost over and it’s time to get routine ready. The school run comes with all kinds of early morning parental duties, but just how do you crack them? There’s a real art to making sure the kids – along with their uniform, packed lunches and workbooks – are ready to leave the house in time for the school bell without a fuss. We’ve put together 10 top tips on how to manage a smooth sailing school run.

1. Lay clothes out the night before

Set out uniform in your child’s bedroom. This will save a lot of time, particularly if you find there’s an item missing in the morning.

2. Finish all homework and have bags packed

Run through all homework and tick off a school bag and workbook list the night before.

3. Give yourself an extra 15 minutes

Set your child’s alarm 15 minutes earlier than usual – this will help if there are any unexpected delays in the morning. Extra time will also provide a healthy dose of parent-child interaction before school begins.

4. Have lunch prepped

If your child takes a packed lunch to school, be sure to have everything prepped and packed the night before.

5. Have transport organised

Be prepared and keep up to date with your child’s form of transport – whether that’s checking bus times, getting your car ready or setting off at a sensible time for walking.

6. Have breakfast out on the table

Give yourself plenty of time for breakfast before dashing for the door. Be sure to keep the offering as quick and as simple as possible.

7. Be strict with timings

Get your child to bed on time and have alarms set the night before.

8. Prepare kit or equipment

Have kit prepared for any extracurricular activities or afterschool clubs.

9. Encourage your child to get ready alone

Giving your child independence on a morning will pay off. This will free up time for you to prepare yourself as well as breakfast, bags and transport.

10. Get into a good routine that can be repeated each day

Make sure your child is familiar with the daily routine so that there are no unexpected distractions. You can make this fun by setting goals, so that getting ready for school doesn’t feel like such a chore.

About Me

During my time working in education I studied NLP and started using the techniques at home with my three boys. I was amazed to see the difference it made to our family life.

Hudson Therapies

I use a mix of NLP, coaching and hypnotherapy. I am also a Relax Kids coach and often add some relaxation techniques.

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